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Product details
File Size: 1192 KB
Print Length: 250 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Routledge; 3 edition (January 3, 2014)
Publication Date: January 3, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#685,453 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
By way of full disclosure, I am a plastic surgeon with an interest in patients troubled by disturbed body image and an addiction to cosmetic surgery. When I first wrote about that topic in my 2009 surgery textbook, I made the case from a few of my own patient studies that childhood trauma was one of the causes of an obsession for plastic surgery and postoperative dissatisfaction, but it was Dr. Scaer's work and that of others in the trauma field (Peter Levine, Bessel van der Kolk, Pia Mellody, Pat Ogden, Bernice Andrews, and others) that has subsequently helped me piece together a stronger theory and then provide evidence for it, some of which will be published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in October. Dr. Scaer and I have subsequently traded a few emails and he has encouraged my further researchDr. Scaer is a physician but not a psychiatrist, which gives him the distinct advantage of being able to review the relevant mental health literature from the standpoint of another specialty. A neurologist with an obvious command of neuroanatomy and physiology and all of the abnormalities that developmental and accidental trauma produce, he can write compellingly to make the case, which I believe most physicians do not appreciate, that trauma is not universally perceived. The response to trauma depends upon its meaning to the victim and his or her sense of helplessness in a perceived life-threatening situation. It's like the lion chasing the antelope--the same physiological reactions are occurring--the pupils are dilated, the muscles are pumping, the adrenaline and cortisol are high--but the meaning to the lion is lunch and to the antelope it is survival.Dr. Scaer has drawn the same link to whiplash and other disease of traumatic stress, and leads the reader through the relevant physiology, trauma and attunement theory, and the way traumatic reactions manifest themselves in a variety of common diseases. As a hand surgeon for many years, I saw the effects of trauma--dissociation, re-experiencing, and avoidance--displayed in many injured, depressed, and angry patients suffering from what is now called "complex regional pain syndrome" and struggled to treat it. All hand surgeons knew that these patients were "difficult", but even now more of them should read Dr. Scaer's work. "Tormented" would be a more accurate term.The third edition is significantly improved and elaborated over the second, which itself was exceptional. I have read every word of both. There are new chapters on bonding and attunement. The whole text is more "dense", literature references updated and exhaustive. Yet somehow it is still smooth reading for a relative novice to the field. That is the author's skill.Dr. Scaer seems aware that not all allopathic physicians will subscribe to his ideas, but in my opinion they should. These patients have lifelong afflictions that they did not cause, and until some compassionate physician recognizes it, too many will be discounted as "crazy." They deserve better, and it is pioneers like Dr. Scaer who will educate all of us.
Scaer is an honest and courageous clinician: when his patients' course of healing did not add up he resisted dismissing them as most doctors had been doing and continue to do. His basic thesis, that emotional suffering is tied up with the autonomic nervous system, gives support to body-based versus cognitive therapies in general. That said, Scaer is oriented very much above the neck, in the brain. The title states 'the body bears the burden' but he himself sees the body as an implement of the mind, a pack-animal if you will, rather than a seat of the person. Also despite emphasizing that trauma is so widespread as almost to be universal, he still seems to consider it an accident or bad luck. That is, he does not deal with social and family dynamics that are systematically traumatizing people in the physiological sense that he describes.EDIT October 2012: I have just read the authors other book The Trauma Spectrum: Hidden Wounds and Human Resiliency and I saw that he does there get into the 'little traumas' of parenting and social interaction. Because the second edition of this book bears a later copyright than Trauma Spectrum I had assumed there would be nothing in Spectrum that was not here also. I was wrong, read both books.
This one is a tough read. It is written more for clinicians. The info was helpful to me, just the same. I have fibromyalgia and I gained insight into the cause and what could be done about it. I also read, Healing from Trauma by Jasmin Lee Cori. Same concept but an easier read.
This book is chock full of excellent information but be sure you have the "2nd" edition. The author notes the first edition was too technical and, at times, you'll find the second edition a bit too thorough, but well worth the trouble. His insights are groundbreaking.I started reading this book after my Mother died. I wanted to understand why this extraordinary woman stayed with a man who was so emotionally neglectful and abusive. She died a shadow of who she was - why, what happened? Understanding how long term stress affects the physiology of the brain has been huge for me in reconnecting with her, forgiving her, and appreciating who she was, her strengths. I am deeply grateful for this book.It also helps me understand the men and women I meet who seem to be giving away their power. I find I am more compassionate. I am curious, too, what these insights may mean for the neurologically oversensitive (Asperger's, autism, etc.).
This book is like taking a college deep....but so needed. Mind-altering information....on WHY some people continue with lingering pain when others do not. The body "knows"....has held in emotional issues and pain for years......things we deny, ignore, run from........If you read this book, your view of pain will never be the same....if you are a pain is a must read. Incredible information....I am a pain patient who read this book last year and it prepared me for what I learned in June....from reading the book "Opening the Cage of Pain" by Rue Anne Hass.......and my pain has lifted. I have my life back.....
The whiplash effect of a motor vehicle accident resembles, in many ways, PTSD and is used here as a metaphor. We think of PTSD as primarily a mental illness, but its physical effects can be painfully deep. The sense of helplessness during the trauma, as a contributing factor to PTSD, doesn't appear in any other literature I've seen on the subject.
Excellent. One of the best books on pain syndromes/trauma connection. Empirical, readable. Lots of information. In the same league as Bessel van der Kolk MD , Lorimer Moseley, Babette Rothschild, and others (list not very long, but long enough). An important read for anyone suffering from CRPS or or other central nervous system related pain syndromes. A great book. and the fantastic bibliography is a huge plus for more great resources! A dense read, but I found it very well worth it.
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