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Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton
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As with most books written by politicians while in office (or at least aiming for one), Living History is, first and foremost, safe. There are interesting observations and anecdotes, the writing is engaging, and there is enough inside scoop to appeal to those looking for a bit of gossip, but there are no bombshells here and it is doubtful the book will change many minds about this polarizing figure. This does not mean the work is without merit, however, for Hillary Clinton has much to say about her experience as first lady, which is the primary focus of the book. Those interested in these experiences and her commentary on them will find the book worth reading; those looking for revelations will be disappointed. Beginning with a brief outline of her childhood, college years, introduction to politics, and her courtship with Bill Clinton, Clinton covers a wide variety of topics: life on the campaign trail, her troubled tenure as leader of the President's Task Force on National Health Care Reform, meeting with foreign leaders, and her work on human rights, to name a few. By necessity, she also addresses the various scandals that plagued the administration, from Travelgate to Whitewater to impeachment, though she does not go into great detail about each one; rather, she seems content to simply state her case and move on without trying to settle too many old scores. Along the way, she offers many apologies, though perhaps not the kind some would expect. She does not shy away from her "vast right-wing conspiracy" comment, for instance, though she does wish that she had expressed herself differently. Regarding the Monica Lewinsky scandal, she maintains that her husband initially lied to her, as he did the rest of the country, and did not come clean until two days prior to his grand jury testimony. Calling his betrayal "the most devastating, shocking and hurtful experience of my life," she explains what the aftermath was like personally and why she has elected to stand by her man. In all, Living History is an informative book that goes a long way toward humanizing one of the most recognizable, and controversial, women of our age. Shawn Carkonen
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From Booklist
The early reactions to Hillary Clinton's much-anticipated memoir (no prepublication review copies were distributed) have amounted to a kind of referendum on the person rather than a review of the book. Everyone has a theory about Clinton and why she wrote her book, but few of the commentators have bothered to read the volume, and none seem interested in reflecting on how it stacks up as an autobiography. In fact, it stacks up pretty darn well. Certainly the book has faults. Many early critics have pointed to the almost 600 pages and called the book too long. Wrong again; in some places, it isn't long enough. For instance, Clinton virtually flies over the Gennifer Flowers affair, and the other women in Bill Clinton's life--except for Monica and Paula--are not mentioned at all. She could have gained some space by not tipping her hat to so many "good friends"; myriad people are so described. What Hillary does very well, however, is to give readers a sense of who she is, starting with an effective description of her childhood and college years that manages not only to reveal her character but also to evoke the era vividly and in great detail. Her evolution as a wife and mother, as First Lady, and as a political lightning rod is portrayed in an engaging fashion, and her discussions of political policy, while occasionally dry, are well reasoned and worth reading. The book works especially well when the private and public Mrs. Clintons come together; for example, when she spearheads the health-care wars as her own father is dying. Only true Clinton haters will refuse to see her as a woman of faith or dispute the fact she loves her husband. Those two qualities pervade the pages. Ilene CooperCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
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Product details
Hardcover: 576 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster; 1st edition (June 9, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0743222245
ISBN-13: 978-0743222242
Product Dimensions:
6.1 x 1.3 x 9.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.6 out of 5 stars
704 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#630,218 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This book took Us back into the Fascinating, Struggling and the High's and Low's of Hillary and Bill Clinton's Family. And Also the Remarkable Journey of Bill Clinton becoming A Governor. And President Of The United States Of America, Twice. An Also Hillary Clinton as a Governess. And First Lady Of United States Of America, Twice. Also Hillary Fascinating Journey to Becoming The First First Lady to Hold the position as a Senator. New York was the Beautiful State Hillary Clinton Chose to be a Senator of, after leaving the White House. Later she Ran to Be Nominated as President Of The United States of America. The Nomination, she Won. She was the First Woman Ever to be Nominated by Any Party For The Presidency Of United States Of America. Kudos to the Clinton's. This was a Wonderful Book.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading this memoir of Secretary Clinton's life during her childhood and the White House years. I appreciated her candor and letting us see her experiences from her viewpoint.
This book was very informative, and a shock. I wasn't alive during thetime period of the book, but it was a great history to have so I could better understand Hillary's later memoirs, so I started with the first one. I was pushing myself to read it at many times, but I'm glad I did. The book inspired me to look into a career with politics, and inspired me to start campaigning as well. I'm blown away with her courage and determination to help the lives of others, in our country and around the world. It was slow, repititive, and tedious; but if you have a long attention span and some determination to get through it, you'll enjoy it as much as I did!
Excellent book.
First I'd like to say that I do not agree with Hillary's philosophy.but the book she wrote was interesting, and a lot of fun to read. it was a story of her life, starting from her childhood. she even included her parents' life before she was born. it was nice to see a politician sharing her life-story with readers who want to get to know her all those who want people to believe the worst in her, I have to say: this woman might not agree with you on issues, but she is still a nice lady, who had an amazingly interesting life.
Hillary is one of the most villified woman in American history and the knee-jerk negative reaction of some of the Amazon's reviewers (many who apparently never bothered to read this book) is just an another example of the right wing conspiracy against her. Sure, she isn't a saint. But who is? George Bush? Give me a break.This is her AUTObiography, therefore, she casts her story in the most positive light possible. Did anyone expect anything else?The most interesting part of this book is her pre-White House days. The Clintons could have been a very wealthy couple (both are Yale law grads) if their goal was money. Instead, they have spent many relatively financially modest years in Arkanasas performing mainly public service. Hillary's only private sector job was with the Rose Law Firm, which she became a partner. They are the only White House couple in the last 50 years not to have their own separate private vacation home.The book also reveals Hillary's incredible work ethic, intelligence, and loyalty to her husband. Say what you will about her, but I don't think any of the three can be questioned. Overall, I found Hillary's life to be inspirational to all those who aspire to rise to the top from a rather modest beginning.Finally, I didn't know Bill Clinton's early life was so difficult. His biological father died before he was born and his stepfather regularly beat his mother until he was 15, when he was finally big enough to defend his mother. I imagine there has been many violent encounters between Bill and his stepfather. I wonder why Bill still kept his stepfather's last name "Clinton".
Hillary is such an intelligent and intriguing personality, but unfortunately this collection of essays (which is how it reads) is downright is more like the narrative that would accompany a photo album or scrapbook than an autobiography. It could have benefitted greatly from more thorough editing...and one of my pet peeves that ended up distracting me throughout was the incessant use of the word "friend(s)." Check it out: barely a paragraph goes by without describing someone that way (Newt & Monica not withstanding). I'd hate to have to tackle her Christmas Card list.Hopefully, as her political career continues to unfold we will see more candid, opinionated writings from this history-making personality. She owes it to her supporters...and to historians!
Still trying to complete this book, about 80% complete. I have learned alot from, and enjoyed this book.
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